Join Me for an ALDI Holiday Twitter Party with A Twist #ALDIHoliday

by bleeper on November 30, 2012

Hosting holiday events can be a bit stressful — and expensive too! But the good news is that they don’t have to be…

I’m really excited to be partnering with both ALDI and Mandi of Life Your Way to host a fun ALDI Holiday Twitter Party on Thursday, December 13th so we can share tips on making party planning simple, creating a delicious and inexpensive menu, and we’ll even have our very own sommelier on hand to answer questions on which wine pairs best with your choices.

By the way, did you know that many ALDI stores carry wine? Yes!!! And I assure you it’s delicious — and it won’t break the bank.

:: Get a $10 ALDI gift certificate before the party!

So you might be wondering about the “twist” part based on the title of this email… ALDI is sending the first 50 Deal Seeking Mom and Life Your Way readers to sign up here a $10 ALDI gift certificate to give some of their suggested holiday items a try before the party!

Thanks so much for your overwhelming response. All of the gift certificates have been claimed at this time, but we hope you’ll join us for the conversation and opportunity to win more!

With more than 100 winter seasonal items and holiday necessities available, ALDI can help you make your party memorable on a budget. Take a look at the ALDI holiday catalog here to get an idea of what you’ll find in store.

Party details:

When: Thursday 12/13, from 9-10pm EST
Where: Use this custom Tweet Grid (change my username in the far right column to your Twitter username and click Search) or hashtag #ALDIHoliday to follow along.
Who: Make sure to follow @DealSeekingMom and @Life Your Way.

Oh, and did I mention there will be prizes during the party as well?!? You could win one of four $50 ALDI gift certificates!

RSVP on Twtvite to let us know you’re coming and to receive a reminder about the event. And don’t forget to submit your mailing address here to receive a $10 ALDI gift certificate before the event (available to the first 50 participants)!

If you’re not signed up with Twitter yet, be sure to register before the party.

Hope to see you all there!!!

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Join Me for an ALDI Holiday Twitter Party with A Twist #ALDIHoliday was first posted on November 30, 2012 at 3:00 pm.

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